Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Digital Teaching

Ressources and Learning Materials for Teaching Staff


There are a quite a few online courses on the topic of teaching online available which you can study on your own. Some of these were designed by HU staff especially for the needs of the summer semester 2020. You can access all of these courses on Moodle.

Do not hesitate to register to these courses on Moodle: You can register even if you are not planning to do the course completely. You can access the course materials even if you just need to looks at some of chapters or if you want to find some ideas on how to improve your online teaching.


Open Moodle-courses about teaching online at HU


Course title

Authors and contact persons

Link to the course

Crash-Kurs: Präsenzlehre in Online-Lehre übersetzen

Kathrin Friederici, Sabrina Hahm, Laura Schilow und Dr. Monika Sonntag (Bologna.lab)


Link to the course on Moodle

Moodle-Info: FAQ und Forum

Stefanie Berger & Andreas Vollmer (Moodle-Support CMS)


Link to the course on Moodle

Moodle-Tools für die Digitale Lehre

Stefanie Berger & Andreas Vollmer (Moodle-Support CMS)

Link to the course on Moodle


How to Teach Online: An Instructional Course for HU Berlin Faculty and Associates


Dr. Christopher Shaw (Theologische Fakultät)

Link to the course on Moodle

Digitale Lehre

Dr. Irene Leser (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften)

Link to the course on Moodle


Interaktive Elemente auf Moodle: Ein H5P-Kurs

Sabrina Hahm (bologna.lab) Link to the course on Moodle-Playground


Overview: Software and Service of HU for Home Office Use 

The CMS published a list of all software and services, which you can use while working from home.


Recording of Courses and Materials

The CMS has negotiated a campus license for the recording of screen content with the manufacturer Techsmith. At you can find information about the tools Snagit and Camtasia for Windows and Mac respectively, including download links. License keys for activation are available upon request from your local IT representative.

In addition to recording on your own computer, it is also possible to record in an empty lecture hall.

For the sustainable expansion of the HU's IT infrastructure, we are examining whether Opencast as video management software in conjunction with Moodle would simplify the recording and provision of videos and can also offer added value in future lecture recordings.

Recommended Links (in German):


First Steps via Moodle

First, please try to create an online scenario that is as simple as possible, with synchronous communication as a supplement, if possible, rather than a necessary prerequisite. Video conferences can be overloaded at peak times during the semester. In Moodle courses, on the other hand, you will find useful tools such as a forum, material supplies, task assignments, collaborative working opportunities (etherpad module with chat) and (self) tests to help you plan your event. The Moodle support team will be happy to help you with the planning.


First Steps with HU Zoom

The CMS has procured a one-year campus license of the webinar and video conferencing solution Zoom for all members of the HU. On the overview page you will find instructions and guidance, an FAQ, and information on aspects of data protection and security of HU-Zoom. We will constantly expand and update this section.